Content marketing interviews have been used a lot in the past years. Some would argue they have been overused but I say: It’s all good provided you focus on quality and keep your blog integrity.
It’s not just about creating group expert interviews. You can use interviews in many ways for your content marketing strategy:
- Get personal stories to inject into your articles for more credibility: Readers always relate to personal stories!
- Ask experts to submit case studies, stats, tools, etc. to make your articles more indepth, better researched and more actionable
- Get help in creating marketing personas by asking peers their opinions on related subjects
MyBlogU can be a lot of help in all the above and beyond. The free platform, aiming to help bloggers to succeed, has lots of features ahead, but it has already been received with overwhelmingly positive feedback.
Here are 10 reasons to try MyBlogU group interviews feature today:
Table of Contents
1. Get featured as an expert is the easiest way to get featured among niche experts. You can login, browse to “Interviews” and see all the important details at a glance:
- Blog name and URL
- Blog stats at a glance (don’t go crazy about this stats: Just use it as it is: quick-reference numbers that you may want to investigate further)
- The date when the interview was last updated
- The interview deadline
2. Getting featured isn’t time consuming

You don’t have to submit replies to ALL interviews.
You don’t have to answer ALL questions for your selected interview
Answer only all those answer you KNOW you want to
Submit your answers only if you feel inspired
Don’t get too overwhelmed: Get included only if you feel like!
It’s better to make the most of one answer than trying to reply to all: Quality always wins!

3. Collect rejected / ignored ideas
Unlike with other outreach platforms, MyBlogU stores all your submitted answers for the lifetime.
If your pitch is ignored or neglected, there’s no reason you cannot re-use it elsewhere…
Refer to “My answers” any time you remember elaborating on some idea, see the status instantly and grab your older (ignored) idea for another interview or your own article.
If you participate a lot, “My ideas” section will ultimately become your great source of inspiration (see #8)
4. Discover Twitter chats

One of the most promising MyBlogU features is “Twitter chats” which means there will be a public Twitter interview where you, as the contributor, will be invited as the featured guest.
That means you’ll be featured as an expert twice: In the blog interview and in the Twitter interview: Both will work GREAT for your brand building.
While we are in the private beta, we offer free consulting to all the participants, so if you don’t know what twitter chats are, we are always here to help!
5. Get notified (Delays? Deadlines? We’ve got you covered)

One of the biggest issues with PR pitches is monitoring whether you actually got included into the interview. Publishers would seldom notify if they chose to include your quote into the final piece
MyBlogU handles that part for you:
**It will monitor all the deadlines and statuses and will alert both the publisher and ALL the participants if the interview seems to be past deadline reminding them to update or check the status.
That’s the best-organized expert interview solution so far.
6. Free promotion at Viral Content Buzz

If the publisher marks the interview published and submits an URL of the live piece, that URL will end up in the ViralContentBuzz dashboard (if the URL meets the quality guidelines)
The process is pre-moderated, so you have higher chances if you in any way reference your MBU contributor (how exactly you reference your fellow MBU user who helped you is up to you: But we want to build the community where each contributor gets a well-deserved credit for his/her idea or contribution)
VCB is known for getting free traffic and shares, so it’s always a win!

7. FREE!
MyBlogU is absolutely free of charge…
At least for now that we are in an active development / beta testing period, so hurry up!
We’ll always remain freemium but now is the best time to get all the unlimited features for free.
If you commit to being our brand ambassador, you’ll be using the platform for free forever 😉
8. Get inspired!

Oftentimes, just seeing what people are asking on an interesting topic is inspiring.
If you check MBU interviews section, you are very likely to get inspired and write one of your best articles (as those always happen when you are inspired)…
Don’t feel shy and reference that article in that interview when answering questions!
Besides, as I pointed out in #3, all your sent ideas will be stored within MyBlogU for free for you, so you’ll be always be able to open them and use any unpublished one for your future article (we want you to make the most of EVERY sentence you write! No word is ever wasted!)
9. More cool updates ahead

We are in the active development, and we have huge plans!
- Email digests: Don’t miss the next great expert interview opportunity! We’ll deliver those to your inbox within your selected categories to keep it relevant!
- More complete contributor profiles: We recognize the beauty of showcasing how knowledgeable the contributing experts are! We’ll add the ability to easier collect and showcase the contributors’ expertise and thus add impressive trust signals to the final expert round-up!
- Add your own! Do you have a cool feature in mind? Comment and we’ll make it happen!
10. Examples!?

We are going to encourage higher and higher standards but I am pretty satisfied with the the results. This one is very important because it shows how a pretty dead blog can be sprung to life with one expert group interview. I asked to share some stats and it’s pretty revealing: From nothing to something!
Now, of course, we have a long learning curve ahead: what works best? what do users want?
However we are ready to get better and better day by day and now is the best time to join!