I am on the hunt for traffic generation ideas because I firmly believe that it’s an extremely poor business decision to depend on only one source.
That being said, if your site is already getting clicks from Google, your job is not done. Keep re-investing into varying your traffic sources to never be too vulnerable to Google’s algorithm whims or stronger search competition.
If your site doesn’t have good traffic yet, you’ll obviously benefit from my tips and experience as well because they will allow you to quickly see some clicks and leads.
Today I am sharing just a few screenshots proving that my traffic building tactics work but first…
Table of Contents
Step 1: Subscribe!
I am collecting my tried and true tips on how to increase traffic via my email course:
Join my list to receive one traffic building tip a week!
It’s free and easy: You’ll get one email with one actionable traffic boosting tip a week, so you’ll have exactly one week to try it out (and even see results!)
Web Traffic Before / After Viral Content Buzz

Viral Content Buzz is a free social media platform that lets you discover good topical content to share in order to then submit your own high-quality content to get it shared as well.
It’s easy, minimal and free. All you need is good content because landing pages, commercial pages and promotional pages are not allowed.
I wrote my personal case study on how to use Viral Content Buzz long ago and it pretty much describes my experience as of today (only VCB has got bigger since then).
Not each of your articles will see the same momentous boost once you submit it to VCB. Viral Content Buzz allows for organic share (and traffic) growth which is the beauty of the platform.
The success of your project depends on many aspects including how catchy your title is, how good and original your content is, how nice your page looks, how many credits you assigned to the project and how relevant (and popular) the categories you choose are.
In many ways, Viral Content Buzz is a test of your content virality: It puts your article in front of active social media sharers who give it a boost but it’s up to your content whether it will spread further.
There are many more similar case studies and screenshots VCB users are sharing which you can find here.
Web Traffic Before / After MyBlogU

This is not my screenshot but it makes me proud because this is the youngest of my projects and it is still at the age of testing new functionality (which you cannot find anywhere else).
MyBlogU works on the principle of collaboration: You engage others in creating content for you (by providing quotes, helping you edit your article craft, sharing personal experience, etc) and it becomes much easier to get those contributors’ help in sharing that article and posting comments.
The effect is especially noticeable on newer blogs where you can see results overnight. Of course, the more consistently you engage others in your blog life (using MyBlogU and beyond), the more consistent the results are. Those traffic spikes in the screenshot coincide with the dates a new collaborated article goes live because that’s when new shares and comments come.
Web Traffic Before / After Twitter Count Buttons
Well, the truth is, Twitter buttons were largely neglected once there was no count on them. Somehow seeing that others have tweeted an article encourages more people to do that too.
So using Sumome (plus TwitCount that very easily integrates with Sumome), I was able to bring those count buttons back to see Twitter referral traffic growing again.

If you have any nice traffic screenshots (or case studies) to share, please do so in the comments below!