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My relationships with social media have never been easy. I always really *love* the site I am using but I still manage to break rules from time to time. When I was just getting acquainted with social media sites, I thought they were simply for self-promoting my own articles. I saw no other point of using them.
Later when I saw the real point in actually getting involved and giving back to the community, I was still under radar. I was banned from StumbleUpon. Then I was publicly accused of gaming Sphinn (sadly, those Tweets are nowhere to be found today but now looking back at that issue, I do feel I was rightfully accused).
The trick with spam is that you actually never know. Different people have different opinions as to what is acceptable and what is not. So how about the official Social Media TOS (click the image do see the full version)?
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This infographic is the re-packaged (and a bit advanced) version of my recent Mashable guest post. What can I say, I love content re-packaging!